Monday, January 31, 2011

Black Swan

The psychological thriller that has everybody talking is Black Swan and stars the Oscar nominated Natalie Portman along with Mila Kunis who perhaps unfairly has not been given the recognition she deserves for her part in this cinematic masterpiece.
The fragile and perfection Nina Sayers (Portman) is a ballet dancer performing in the New York City production of Swan Lake.  When the leading role becomes available, Nina looks a certainty to fill the departing star’s (Winona Ryder) shoes.  However, the lead role, Swan Queen, requires one to portray not only the innocent White Swan but also the dark and passionate Black Swan who is better suited to the newest member of the team, the free spirited Lily (Kunis).
Despite his reservations, the production director goes with gut instinct, sensing a passion locked away within Nina, and gives her the part and casts Lily as her understudy.  The road to opening night though is a long one and with it comes mounting pressure which makes Nina take a dark psychological journey of hallucinations and also a growing sense of paranoia that her understudy is conspiring to take her part away from her.  The deeper though that she delves into the darkness, the better she performs as the Black Swan.
Due to some graphic sexual scenes, it probably isn’t for the younger viewers but it is a must see.  Director Darren Aronofsky delivers a psychological masterpiece that shows the sacrifice, dedication and the brutality performers of the arts must endure to deliver something as majestic and beautiful as ballet.

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