Sunday, November 21, 2010

A Great Dose of Magical Entertainment

Harry Potter and The Deathly Hallows Review

                Muggles, it has begun.  The end is here and the greatest children adventure of our generation is set to wrap up in spectacular style.  I do stress though that this is the end and I wouldn’t make this your first Harry Potter movie.  If you never read the books or watched the previous movies, you could still enjoy it, but you’ll be constantly thinking ‘the who-what-where-what now?’ which would take away from the magical experience.
                Technically, this is stated as the first part of a two part production but in reality, this is actually the unofficial second part of a trilogy.  Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince was really the first part because the Deathly Hallows literally picks straight up from the end of the last movie so see that first if you can.
                Dumbledore is dead and Harry Potter (Radcliff) is on a quest; to defeat he-who-must-not-be-named …. but I’m going to risk it anyway, Lord Voldemort (Ralph Fiennes), but first he must survive long enough to do so.  From the very start, we are stung by the sinister element of the movie and this trend continues throughout.
                With his friends in tow, Ron (Grint) and Hermionie (Watson), they embark on their own plan; to take down Voldemort; scouring for the Horcruxes;  the items that each hold a part of the Dark Lord’s soul and must be destroyed if Harry is to defeat Voldemort.  A mission that leaves our favourite wizard and his unfortunate friends, who must have often thought ‘why did I sit next to him on the first day’, facing constant moments of peril.  Their path leads them to uncover the secret of the Deathly Hallows; three of the most powerful items in the magical wizard world.  However, they’re unknowingly in a race against Voldemort who is also on the search with the Dark Lord seemingly a step ahead of our young trio.
                 For those that aren’t so keen or haven’t read the books, you may feel that the middle is dragged out while those that know the story will be glad that the movie kept for the most part in line with the book.  Those that love to get lost in the world of magic should see this movie.  While it is darker than the previous Harry Potter movies, it is how it was intended and there is enough light humour to keep it from becoming too intense.  Particularly from Ron and it must be said that for any women watching, they will identify with Hermionie as she takes on the role of having to do everything as the other two prove to be quite incompetent without her.  Fans of the Harry Potter series will love it.  Those that aren’t so fanatical and are just along for the ride will enjoy it.

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